Letter and Circular of Information for Prospective Emigrants to Oregon.
The following letter was written to Col. William M. King, who, in 1847, was a resident of one of the interior counties of New York. Col. King came to Oregon in 1848, arriving at Portland late that fall. Being a lawyer by profession, he soon became a prominent character in the early annals of Portland. In addition to his law business he engaged in general merchan- dising, and had as a partner a man named Mr. Kittredge. The circular referred to in the letter follows :
Independence, Missouri, March 2d, 1847.
Your letter of the 12th inst. was reed, by last mail. I send you the within circular, which has been prepared with some care and from which you can gain most of the information which you desire.
I will, however, add that mules and oxen are much better adapted to crossing the plains than horses, as they have to subsist entirely on grass. Mules, from present appearances, will be worth $40 to $50 each and oxen from $30 to $40 per yoke. Flour will be $2.25 to $2.50 per bbl. Corn meal 25 cents per bushel ; Bacon about 6 cts. per lb. Sugar & coffee each 10 cts. to 12 cts. per lb. You can purchase wagons here suitable for the expedition at from $80 to $90 each. You should try and be here by the first of May so as to be certain to be ready by the time the grass gets up. I have no doubt but that there will be a very large emigration leaving here for Oregon this spring. There are a number already here.
I am, Dear Sir,
Your obedient servant,
To. Geo. W. Buchanan, P. M.
Wm. M, King, Esq.,