Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/345

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TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECTS PAGES Counties of Oregon, Their Creations and the Origins of their Names. By Frederick V Holman 1-81 Counties, Oregon, Note Supplemental to Paper On. By Frederick V. Holman 227 Financial History of Oregon — The Sale of Oregon Lands, III; Public Ex- penditures, IV; The Use of Public Credit by the State of Oregon, V. By F. G. Young 121-161; 286-306; 401-418 McLoughlin, Dr., What I Know of, and How I Know It. By John Minto. . 177-200 Odgen, Peter Skene, Journal of Snake Expedition, 1826- 182 7, with Editorial Notes by T. C. Elliott 201-222 Ogden, Peter Skene, Journals of Snake Expeditions, 1827-1828; 1828-1829, with Editorial Notes by T. C. Elliott 355-397 Ogden, Peter Skene, Fur Trader. By T. C. Elliott 229-278 Political Parties in Oregon, Rise and Early History of. W. C. Woodward. .317-354 Stockman, Lawson, Pioneer of 1859, Recollections of, Narrated. By B. F. Manring 162-176 Supreme Court of Oregon,. On Power of Legislature to Increase Number of Justices Constituting. By W. D. Fenton 82-118 Williams, Judge George H., An Estimate of the Character and Services of. By H. W. Scott 223-226 Williams, George H., The Late. By T. W. Davenport 279-285 NOTES Report of Sixth Annual Meeting of Pacific Coast Branch of American Historical Association 119-120 Appointment of Dr. Marcus Whitman as Guardian of the Sager Children. . 312 DOCUMENTS Letter and Circular of Information for Prospective Emigrants to Oregon ... 307-3 12 Probate Record of Appointment of Dr. Marcus Whitman Guardian of the Sager Children 312-313 Peter Skene Ogden, Letter to Reverend Elkanah Walker 399 General 314 REVIEWS T. C. Elliott, British Columbia Coast Names, 1592- 1906; Their Origin and History. By Captain John T. Walbrah 419" AUTHORS Davenport, T. W., The Late George H. Williams 279-285 Elliott, T. C, Editorial Notes on Peter Skene Ogden Journal of Snake Ex- pedition, 1826-7 201-222 Peter Skene Ogden, Fur Trader 229-278 Peter Skene Ogden Journals of Snake Expedition, 1827-1828; 1828- 1829, with Editorial Notes 355-397 Review of Captain John T. Walbrah's British Columbia Coast Names 419 Fenton, W. D., On the Power of the Legislature to Increase the Number of Justices of the Supreme Court of Oregon _ 82-118 Himes, George H., Report of Sixth Annual Meeting of Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association 1 19-120 On the Appointment of Dr. Marcus Whitman as Guardian of the Sager Children 312 Hillman, Frederick V., Oregon Counties, Their Creations and the Origins of Their Names ■. 1-81 Note Supplemental to the Paper on Oregon Counties 227 Manring, B. F., Recollections of a Pioneer of 1859 — Lawson Stockman ... .162-176 Minto, John, What I Know of Dr. McLoughlin and How I Know It 177-200 Scott, H. W., An Estimate of the Character and Services of Judge George H. Williams 223-226 Woodward, W. C, Rise and Early History of Political Parties in Oregon .. 317-354. Young, F. G, Financial History of Oregon — The Sale of Oregon Lands, III .121-166 Public Expenditures, IV 286-306 The Use of Public Credit by the State of Oregon 401-418