Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/447

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Financial History of Oregon 417 WILLAMETTE FALLS CANAL ANDILOCK BONDS Authorized October 21, 1870 Amount of Debt at Opening of Period 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 160,000.00 160,000"00 151,500 00 68,000 006 Debt Reduction During Period 40,000.00 8,500 00 83,500 00 68,000 00 Interest Payments During Period from State Land Fund 23,572.00 26,425.00 29,575.0 21,455.00 16,660.00 11,246.44 15,347.50 Interest Payments During Period from 5 per cent. Receipts U. S. Land Sales Fund 945.00 5,460.0 Cost of Administration of Fund Currency, 130.46 Coin 3533.91 . Currency, 67.00 Coin 9,222.25 Currency, 8.00 Discount on Currency 6041.60 Coin 6930.83 Discount on Currency, 785.12 Coin 4246.21 1,752.97 2,947.14 1,070.01 Total Payments Currency, 130.46 Coin 27,105.91 Currency, 67.00 Coin 35,647.25 Currency, 8.00 Discount on Currency, 6041.60 Coin 76,505.83 Discount on Currency, 785.12 Coin 26.646.21 32,372.97 97,693.58 84,417.51 1872. Treasurer's Report, pp. 126-129, 138. "Drainage Warrants" to the amount of $14,732.17 were paid out of this fund during this period. 1874. Treasurer's Report, pp. 85-87, 108. Appropriation of $50,000 towards payment of exhausted; $1,575 of interest due July 14 unpaid. 1876. Treasurer's Report, pp. 1 01-103. 1878. Treasurer's Report, pp. 154-156. 1880. Treasurer's Report, p. 83. 1882. Treasurer's Report, p. 86. The interest item of $5,302.50 is placed with payments of principal and administrative warrants. The five per cent U. S. Land Sales Fund does not appear as a separate account. 1885. Treasurer's Report, p. 100. Principal and interest payments and ad- ministrative cost are bunched.