Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/74

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68 Frederick V. Holman Columbia County. "All that portion of Washington county, embraced 1 within the following described boundaries, to wit: commencing at a point on the bank of the Columbia river where John Bonser's and James Miller's line commences on said river, thence running due west, to the west bank of the Willamette slough, thence south-west to the summit range of the Scappoose mountains, thence along the summit of said mountains to the western line of said county of Washington, thence along said line to the Columbia river, thence up the main channel of the Columbia river to the place of beginning." (Special Laws of 1853-4, page 32). Coos County. "All that portion of Umpqua and Jackson counties, em- braced within the following boundaries, to-wit: beginning at a point on the Pacific coast, eight miles below the mouth of Umpqua river, thence southeast to the dividing ridge between the waters of Umpqua on the east, and the Coos and Coquille rivers on the west, thence along the summit of aforesaid divid- ing ridge, to the north-west corner of Douglas county, thence south along the summit of the coast range of mountains to the source of the south branch of Coquille river, thence continuing south, crossing the 426. parallel, thence due west along said line, to the Pacific coast, thence along the coast to the place of beginning." (Special Laws of 1853-4, page 13). Crook County. "Beginning at a point on the western boundary line of Wasco county where the same is intersected by the line between townships eight and nine south, from thence east on said line to the John Day river; thence up the main channel of said river to the west line of Grant county; thence on the line between Grant and Wasco counties to the southeast corner of Wasco county; thence on the line between Wasco