Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/83

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History of the Counties of Oregon 77 and along the center of the channel of said river to the place of beginning." (Special Laws of 1885, page 239). Multnomah County. "Beginning in the middle of the main channel of the Colum- bia river, at the southeast corner of the county of Columbia ; thence west, by the boundary line of Columbia county, to the middle of the second range of townships west of the Willam- ette Meridian ; thence south, by the section line, to the centre of the second township north of the base line; thence one mile south and one mile east, alternately, by section lines, to the Willamette Meridian; thence south, by the said Meridian line, to the township line between townships one and two south of the base line; thence east, by the township line, to the middle of the Willamette river; thence down the middle of the Willamette river, to the section line between sections number twenty-three and twenty-six, in township one south, range one east; thence east, on section lines, to the summit of the Cascade mountains ; thence northerly, on a right line, to the middle of the Columbia river at the foot of the Cascade Falls; thence down the middle of the main channel of said river to the place of beginning." (Special Laws of 1854-5, page 29). Polk County. "Commencing at the southeast corner of Yamhill district, thence along the south line of the same to the Pacific ocean ; thence along the coast of the ocean to the line dividing Cali- fornia and Oregon; thence east along said line to the line dividing Champoeg and Yamhill districts, before Polk district was stricken off ; thence down the middle of the main channel of Willamette river to the place of commencement." (General and Special Laws of 1843-9, P a £ e 3&)-