Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/124

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The Ogden "Fountain" in Powder River

This would appear to make every reference fit with the locality. Mr. Ogden started from the junction of the Powder and North Powder and made an ordinary journey, with detours on account of the swamps in the valley, making an ordinary journey 20 to 30 miles and camping a few miles north of Baker September 29th, the next day going only as far as the Cold Spring, where there was an abundance of grass and beavers—but sending on two parties, one to push on for the rest of the day toward Burnt River, the other to strike across to Malheur—then the next day he would cross by way of Beaver Creek to a tributary of Burnt River.

From diligent inquiry among old settlers, I can find no other well known spring.

Very truly yours,