Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/104

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96 FREDERICK V. HOLMAN C. M. Walker, and Caleb Wilkins. Osborn Russell probably came in 1842. They were all Americans and were brave, hardy and competent mountain men who were well styled "Independent Trappers." In the report of Gov. Joseph Lane "to the Secretary of War, or the Commissioner of Indian Affairs," dated October 13, 1849, he said that Robert Newell, who had been appointed a sub-agent of Indian affairs, "is an old mountaineer having spent ten years in the mountains [from 1829 to 1839], where he followed trapping," and that "from 1839 to the present time [1849], he has resided within the district to which he is assigned to duty and has become well acquainted with the Indians in the valley of the Willamette." In May, 1839, a party of fourteen persons left Peoria, Illinois, for Oregon. A few only of this party arrived and settled in Oregon in 1840. They were: Amos Cook, R. L. Kilbourne, Robert Shortess, and Sidney Smith, Americans, and Francis Fletcher and Joseph Holman, Englishmen. In 1839 there came John Edmund Pickernell, an English sailor, who went by the name of Edmunds. Later in 1839, another party left Peoria for Oregon, which also did not arrive in Oregon as a party. One of this party was Robert Moore, who arrived in 1840 and took up a land claim on the west side of the Willamette Falls, opposite Ore- gon City. Others who settled in Oregon were Pleasant Arm- strong, George Davis and Joel Walker. Rev. J. S. Griffin, Ashael Munger and their wives, independent missionaries, arrived in Oregon late in 1839. They wintered with the Presbyterian missionaries. In 1841 Griffin and wife settled on Tualatin Plains. Munger and wife came to Salem late in 1841. They were all Americans. In 1840 there came another party of independent mission- aries, all Americans. They were: Rev. Harvey Clark, Rev. P. B. Littlejohn, Alvin T. Smith, and their wives. They also settled on Tualatin Plains. There were some other Oregon settlers who arrived in or prior to 1840. Some of these were : John Green, Felix Hatha- way and Charles Watts, Americans. I am unable to give the