Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/121

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OREGON PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT 113 though a Provisional Government would not be organized. The meeting began in the Hudson's Bay Company's warehouse, sometimes called "the granary." The room was crowded and all could not get in. During the discussion and confusion, the participants had moved to an open field near the granary, near the bank of the Willamette River. At last, the leaders of those in favor of the establishment of a Provisional Government believed it was safe to propose a division. A motion was made for a division and count. When the motion was made, "Joe Meek," with his commanding figure, clothed in a hunting cos- tume of buckskin, and, with a voice of authority which was irre- sistible to those in favor of establishing the government, strode to the right and called out: "Who's for a divide? All in favor of the report and or- ganization, follow me !" The fifty American and British in favor of the motion fell into line. Apparently, there were 52 Canadians against them, but among them was Matthieu, who stayed with them a short time and urged them to side with the Americans. All of them, but Lucier, refused. Matthieu crossed over to the American side and Lucier followed, and so the report of the Committee was adopted, 52 for and 50 against. Matthieu's conduct at this meeting, I have from his own lips. The 50 French-Canadians withdrew and the meeting pro- ceeded to fill the offices recommended by the Committee's re- port. As the Committee of Twelve had not reported a constitu- tion or a code of laws, it was resolved : "That a committee of nine persons be chosen for the pur- pose of drafting a code of laws for the government of this community, to be presented at a public meeting, to be here- after called by them on the 5th day of July next, for their acceptance." Mr. George H. Himes, who has been a most efficient Sec- retary of the Oregon Pioneer Association continuously for more than twenty-five years, has given me a list, which he has prepared and verified during many years, of these fifty- two persons who voted in favor of the Provisional Govern-