Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/135

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OREGON PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT 127 "On motion of Mr. Applegate, "The following oath was administered to the members, to-wit : 'I do solemnly swear that I will support the Organic Laws of the Provisional Government of Oregon, so far as the said Organic Laws are consistent with my duties as a citizen of the United States, or a subject of Great Britain, and faithfully demean myself in office, so help me God.' " (Oregon Archives, page 71). This oath was not authorized, and was in contravention of said Article 3 of the report of the Legislative Committee upon the Judiciary, July 5, 1843. The oath administered to the members of the Legislative Committee June 24, 1845, was adopted as the oath of all officers under the Organic Laws, adopted by the people July 26, 1845. (See Section 9 of Organic Laws of 1845). The change in this form of oath became very important when the Hudson's Bay Company, its officers and employes, became a part of the Provisional Government in August, 1845. Without such change, it is altogether likely that this company and its officers and employes would not have become a part of the Provisional Government. This latter form of oath was a distinct recognition of the rights of British subjects who were willing to become members of the Provisional Government. If the Provisional Govern- ment was originally in favor of the United States alone, by this oath it was changed so that it was without prejudice to the rights of Great Britain and its subjects as well as to those of the United States and its citizens. It was an oath suitable and proper for a temporary or provisional government, until joint-occupancy should end and the laws of either country be in force. To show that this was the understanding, early in the session of this first meeting of the Legislative Committee, which began June 24, 1845, a committee of five was appointed to prepare a memorial to Congress. In this memorial, after setting forth dangers from the Indians, it is said :