Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/374

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366 JOURNAL OF JOHN WORK Sunday, 5 Sept. Proceeded to Snake River, 6 here about 200 yards wide. Tuesday, 7 Sept. Alex Carson who is to take charge of 5 men, Depat, Cloustine, Sanders, Turner & Jean Ba'tiste, crossed the river northward to hunt the Wazer7 and Payette's Rivers and cross the waters to some of the branches of Salmon River. A party was sent last year but too late to cross the waters they did not do well. These are to be at Nez Perces (Fort) the 10th of July (next). This reduces us 6 men, 4 women, 30 horses. We are still strong enough to oppose the Blackfeet. Thursday 9th. Reached the discharge of Payette's River up which we proceeded. Payette found a horse here among the Snakes stolen 3 yrs. ago. The Indian pleaded he had traded it, but got from Payette only a knife. Saturday llth. Marched S. E. from Payette's River to Reid's River 8 to the south flat, to the north mountains. Monday, 13 Sept. Cut across to Sickly River ;9 here we encamped. Thursday 16th. Pritchett's wife in labor we did not move camp. Kanota & Etang returned with 7 beaver. The woman delivered of a boy. Sunday 19. Reached Little Camas Plain. 10 . Saturday, 25 Sept. Fine weather : encamped near the moun- tains. The people all out in different directions hunting. At 8 p. m., about an hour and a half after we encamped, one of the men, Thomas Tanateau, came running to the camp afoot almost out of his senses with fear and related that as he P. L, Etang, Baptiste Tyagnainto & L. Kanote's slave were going to their traps on the upper part of the stream in the mountain, they were set upon by a war party of Blackfeet and his three companions killed on the spot, that he barely escaped. 6 Huntington, Oregon, having come by way of Powder River and Burnt River. 7 The Weiser River in Idaho; called the Wazer by Arrowsmith. 8 The Boise River, known as Reed's River after John Reed of the Astor party who started a trading post at its mouth. 9 The Malade, or Wood River of present maps; but the party can hardly have reached it yet. 10 Not far northeast but across the ridge from Mountain Home on the Oregon Short Line Ry.