Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/59

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POLITICAL PARTIES IN OREGON 51 majorities ranging from 277 6 9, given to Woods for governor, to 600 for May. The majority given to Mallory for Congress- man was 553. The composition of the new legislature was-, senate Union 15, Democratic 7; house Union 26, Demo- cratic 21.7 Here was plainly demonstrated the returning Democratic strength the drift toward political realignment. The legislature of 1862 had contained three Democrats ; that of 1864, seven ; that of 1866, twenty-eight. The Union party had gained nearly 500 votes since the presidential election of 1864, but the Democrats had gained over 1300. The Statesman said the result was quite as good as it had reason to expect ; that the immigrant vote was much larger than any one expected, but that the Union ticket had either di- vided that vote or largely recruited from the McClellan vote of the last election, else it had been defeated. ? l The Oregonian asserted bluntly that much of the increased vote was due to the immigrations from Price's disbanded forces, "all of whom gave aid and comfort to the Democratic ticket in Oregon as they did to the rebellion in Missouri. "? 2 In noting that some of its exchanges viewed the election as a Radical triumph while others claimed that it was an endorsement of Pres. Johnson's course, the Oregonian asserted that men of candor would not claim that a victory, achieved by a party which sustained the congressional policy throughout in direct opposition to that of Johnson, was a very brilliant victory for the President. "The victory was fairly gained," it declared, after the severest con- test ever known in the state." 73 The Union party was turning strongly toward the Congres- sional side of the great political controversy in the early months of 1866. The temporary espousal of Johnson by the Demo- crats of the state greatly accelerated this tendency and practi- cally forced the wavering ones in the Union ranks to associate 69 This was the majority as found by the Legislature which canvassed the returns. See Oregonian, Sept. 15. 70 Statesman, July 30. 71 Ibid., June 18. 72 Oregonian, June 9. 73 Oregonian, June 30.