Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 14.djvu/331

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Marched 15 miles S. E. to the entrance to the plain 1 of Great Salt Lake. The road very hilly and rugged, numerous gullies to pass, several of which are still full of snow, through which the horses sometimes with difficulty dragged them- selves. Nearly all this day's journey through the mountains the snow has but recently disappeared even in patches, and the grass is still so imbedded with water that the horses nearly bog in it. Except a few spots here and there the grass is barely beginning to shoot up, and in many places vegetation is not yet commenced. Where we are encamped there is a little grass for the horses.

This was a fatiguing day on both men and horses, many of the latter with difficulty reached the encampment.

Saturday, May 14th.

Cloudy, cold weather.

Marched 12 miles S. along the foot of the mountains, and encamped on a small river on Mr. Ogden's usual road to Odgen's river. The road today was good and pretty level though intersected by several gullies, some of which are still full of snow. The mountains to the West are still partially covered with snow, and appear very rugged. To the eastward lies the great plain thickly studded with clumps of hills. About this neighborhood we expected to find some buffalo, and that such of the people as are short of provisions would furnish themselves with some more, but not the mark of a buffalo is to be seen. There are a good many antelopes in the plains and some black-tail chevereau.

Sunday, May 15th.

Cloudy, fine weather. The air rather cool in the neighbor- hood of the snow-clad mountains.

Proceeded on our journey 8 miles south, when we en- camped on a small rivulet which barely yields sufficient water for the horses. No water being found near was the cause of our putting up so early at this place. The road lay along the foot of the mountains, and though hilly was good. It was

i Near to Kelton, Utah.