Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 14.djvu/404

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would become flat and the head run up to a peak. The box was fastened to a pole about six feet long, and when they wanted to sit the kid down, they would stand it up against a tree. I am wondering if there is any of this tribe left, and if they still continue this method.

When a lad of seventeen years, I went to sea and sailed around the world twice, and visited the five grand divisions of the world and hundreds of islands. I was in the merchant service, the whaling service, and in the navy, and now in Michigan. I was born near Bridgeport, Conn., the 25th of April, 1826.

Again thanking you for your kind favors and interest you have shown in answering my inquiry, I beg to remain,



Upon calling on Judge Bowlby in Astoria September 24th last, he gave me the foregoing correspondence. I then wrote to Mr. Osborn for his portrait, asking a number of questions as to the names of his fellow seamen, to which the following is a response :

Union City, Mich., October 6, 1913. George H. Himes, Portland Oregon.

Dear Sir : Yours of the 26th inst. at hand, and wish to thank you for enrolling my name as a member of the Pioneer So- ciety, and for your interest in writing.

I remember of several of the Shark's crew cutting their names on some stones above high water mark, but do not re- member any of their names in fact I do not remember many of the names of the Shark's crew; my memory is very poor when it comes to remembering names, and then I was only with the Shark's crew about four months. Captain Neil M. Howison was Lieutenant Commander, First Lieutenant Schank (he was a brother to Ambassador Shank, 8 to Great Britain, a number of years ago), Second Lieutenant Bullock, Dr. Hud- son, surgeon. I remember one James McEver, on account of

8 Doubtless Robert C. Schenck, who was a minister to Brazil in 1851-53, and a general officer in the Union army in 1861-63.