Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 14.djvu/71

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OREGON IN 1863 63

Logan, Indian agent at Warm Springs reservation; T. W. Davenport, at Umatilla; James B. Condon, at Grand Ronde; Benjamin R. Riddle at Siletz; Lewis Brooks at Alsea, and Amos D. Rogers at Klamath.

General George Wright at San Francisco was in command of the military on the Pacific Coast, but General Benjamin Alvord, at Fort Vancouver, under Wright, was in charge of operations, posts and men in Oregon and Washington.

At Cape Hancock and Toke Point were Oregon's only two lighthouses. In the State were one hundred and fourteen post- offices.

The State Treasurer reported April 22d, 1862, that he had $3,899 in hand September 8th, 1860, but that since he had re- ceived $89,707. He had disbursed $54,472, and there was on hand at date of report $39,134. These figures seemed large then, but now, when they are exceeded frequently in a single week, they are very small.

The State Senate consisted of sixteen members, and the House of Representatives of thirty-four. Those belonging to the two bodies were :

Senate D. W. Ballard, Wilson Bowlby, C. E. Chrisman, Bartlett Curl, J. W. Drew, Solomon Fitzhugh, William Green- wood, John W. Grim, D. S. Holton, A. G. Hovey, James K. Kelly, John R. McBride, John H. Mitchell, James Munroe, William Taylor and Jacob Wagner. Wilson Bowlby was pres- ident, and Samuel A. Clarke, chief clerk.

House Lindsay Applegate, C. P. Blair, H. M. Brown, F. A. Collard, E. W. Conyers, John Cummms, A. J. Dufur, Joseph Engle, James D. Fay, P. W. Gillette, J. D. Haines, A. A. Hemenway, Orlando Humason, J. T. Kerns, Rufus Mallory, V. S. McClure, Wm. M. McCoy, A. A. McCully, John Minto, I. R. Moores, Joel Palmer, Maxwell Ramsby, C. A. Reed, G. W. Richardson, Ben Simpson, John Smith, Archibald Steven- son, S. D. Van Dyke, P. Wasserman, James Watson, Ralph Wilcox, M. Wilkins, W. H. Wilson arid A. M. Witham. Joel Palmer was speaker, and S. T. Church, chief clerk.