Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 16.djvu/318

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request as soon as a package can be made up and sent. Our brethren will not forget to send us files of religious periodicals. We have now been cut off from all the blessings of religious periodicals and literally shut out of the religious world for 17 months except that we find occasionally an angel visitor of this kind in a Pedo-baptist paper. We trust it is our love for the cause of Christ in Oregon which has led us to forego, with our young families, all these privileges. Shall our wants meet with a response from the hearts and hands of our brethren in the Atlantic states? We maintain a weekly prayermeeting and Mrs. Fisher and our little daughter, with two other young females not yet baptized, sustain a weekly prayermeeting. I visit but little as a minister, but embrace every opportunity I can for that purpose. I must close this for want of paper and time but hope I shall be able to fill another sheet before the Tulon leaves the mouth of the Columbia. If possible we must have two good Baptist preachers sent out from east of the Alleghany mountains immediately and I think they will find support. Remember us affectionately to our dear brethren in New York. Yours truly,

EZRA FISHER. Rec'd Feb. 5, 1847-

Tuallity Plains, Tuallity County, Oregon Ter.

Aug. 19th, 1846. Dear Br. Hill:

Since last writing, learning that the Tulon may be delayed a few days at the mouth of the Columbia and being about to visit Clatsop and the coast immediately north of the mouth of the Columbia, I hope to be in time to forward you another sheet. Consequently, I hasten to communicate another letter. We returned from Oregon City on the 17th. Found our family in usual health. I wish . . . that your Board may know as near as possible the true state of things with us. As it relates to the character of our Baptist brethren with whom we have to co-operate, they are mostly from the upper