Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 16.djvu/416

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I have used the above named $4.60 and will deduct the same from my next draft.

Your unworthy br. in Christ,


Sec. pro tern., Iowa Bapt. Conv.

Rock Island, 111., Dec. 16th, 1844.

Corresponding Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Dear Br. Hill:

It becomes my duty in the order of God's providence to make my second quarterly report.

My time has been devoted almost exclusively to the work during the quarter, and more than an ordinary portion of my time has been spent in associations and convention. During the quarter I have preached twenty-eight sermons and partici- pated in almost all the public discussions which have come before the public meetings of our denomination, such as home and foreign missions, Bible cause, publication cause, education, etc. Attended twenty weekly prayer and conference meetings, as the church in this place sustains both a weekly prayer meet- ing and conference meeting, which have been well sustained through the season. Attended four covenant meetings and two church meetings, four meetings of the Board of the Iowa Con- vention, traveled five hundred and forty miles. I have no evidence of any case of hopeful conversion during the quarter, yet we have had the satisfaction of seeing an increased atten- tion in several instances in our congregations. I have bap- tised none. We have received three by letter during the quarter. I have made sixty-five (65) pastoral visits. We sustain the monthly concert in the church in this place instead of our week- ly prayer meeting. I have visited two (2) common schools. Obtained no signatures to the temperance pledge. No young men preparing for the ministry. Neither organized a church or assisted in ordaining a minister. Assisted in the organiza- tion of an association in this place. Have received about fifty