Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 16.djvu/436

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jority of the voters shall be final except in criminal cases, which shall require a vote of two thirds.

Art. 5th. Those who have loose cattle shall provide hands to drive in proportion to the number owned.

Art. 6th. Any person attaching- himself to this company shall be bound not to take more than one quart of ardent spirits to each person in his family, and in no case shall any individual let it be known to the Indians that there is any in the company; and it shall be the duty of the judicial com- mittee to examine each wagon to see that this article is not violated.

Art. 7th. When the company may have opportunity to hold religious assembles, any person violating the rules of decorum or disturbing such worshiping congregation shall be taken into custody by the judicial committee and shall be dealt with according to its decision; and it shall be the duty of the company to rest on each Sabbath except in cases of emergency.

Art. 8th. This constitution may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of the company by a vote of two thirds of the legal voters.

Br. Johnson and family are here and our company will move forward tomorrow.

Our company consists of 50 wagons, 214 souls, and about 666 head of cattle. 275 wagons have already passed this point before us, and about 1000 souls. It is uncertain how many have left Independence. We have heard of one company which left that place with 500 wagons and another which have left, the number not yet learned at this place.

We have in our company 30 Baptist professors, including Br. Johnson's family and my own, 5 Methodists, 2 Presby- terians, 2 Cumberland Presbyterians, 5 Associate Reformed Presbyterians, 2 Seceeders, 1 Anti-missionary Baptist, 1 Campbellite Baptist and 1 Dunkard Baptist.