Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 16.djvu/446

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as sheriff of Jackson County, Nev., 354-5; enlists in expedition under Captain Bonneville, 355-6; undertakes exploration of route to Great Salt Lake, 357-8; engaged by American Fur Company, 1834-8, 359-6o; makes Walker's Pass" known, 360; joins Colonel Fremont's party, 361; later life in California, 362-3.

"White River Massacre," 9.

"Willamette," origin of, 59.

Wool, General John E., regarded as petulant fault finder, 18-19; Governors and Legislatures make formal com- plaint, 19.

Wright, Colonel George, assumes com- mand of region drained by the Co- lumbia, 10 ; leads expedition into Yak- ima country, 13-14; disregards instruc- tions of General Wool, 19; leads suc- cessful expedition against Indians of upper Columbia, 32-3.

Yakitna War, 1-23.

Yaquina Railroad, The, 228-45; the aims and fate of the project, 228-9; the ele- ments of the fantastic in the scheme, 229-30; the route utilized, 230-1; sub- sidies granted the project, 230-1; rail- road building activity of that era, 232; prospectus of the company, 233-4; ob- stacles met in financing the project, 235; completion to Corvallis cele- brated, 236; early operation of the road, 226-7; extension to Cascade Mountains, 237-8; troubles of road in insolvent condition, 239-40; successive receiverships, 241-4; sale of property to A. B. Hammond, 244-5; Hammond sells to E. H. Harriman, who conveys to Southern Pacific Company, 245.