Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/184

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large portion of the enterprise and business talent of Oregon will be thrown upon the Sacramento River and San Fran- cisco Bay. What proportion of our Oregon brethren and their families, I cannot now tell. But of one thing I am con- fident, ministerial help and educational help must be sent to Oregon and California from the States or little will be done. My lungs are beginning to fail me ; Br. Johnson has a numer- ous family and cannot do everything; the means necessary to sustain a family in Oregon the present year will be nearly twice as much as it was last year, and it is exceedingly doubt- ful whether the liberality of the people on the Pacific will keep pace with the increase of their wealth unless they have the gospel sanctified to them. Sin and iniquity are making fearful strides in California since the commencement of gold digging, if all reports are true. How exceedingly desirable that these unparalleled treasures be consecrated to the ser- vice of the Lord in the universal spread of the gospel. As ever I subscribe myself your unworthy brother,

EZRA FISHER. Received July 3, 1849.


On page 5, line 15, in the paper entitled "The Indian of the Northwest as Revealed by the Earliest Journals," published in the March number of this Quarterly, the word "graduations" should be "gratulations."