Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/260

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came and informed me that Mr. Shepard was in a fit. He was quite black on my arrival. We applied camphor to his head and nose and rubed his arms and legs and he soon began to come out of the fit first utering sounds and then words and then became sick and vomited I examined and found large pieces of camphor gum that he had vomited up together with some roots that he had taken. After vomiting he became easier but could not after recall anything [which] transpired for an hour but he is nearly recovered only he is weak. "Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not of the Son of Man cometh."

There is a nearly white gnat rather smaller than the black one which has for severally days rendered our situation any- thing but comfortable. I find it impossible to keep out of my mouth eyes nose and ears. I am this moment nearly on fire from their bites.

Tues. Aug. 19, 1834. Passed some Indians on an Island and Bro. Shepard went to them and purchased two fresh salmon. March rather short. One year this morning since I took the last view of my native town which contains so many invaluable relatives and friends.

I tore myself from them in spite of all their arguments in spite of all their entreaties. I beheld and what did I see! an imaginary vision fliting before the mind's eye to disturb the sweet and balrny repose of midnight's peaceful hour? No. It was no dream it was reality. I saw but how can I de- scribe that scene ? The like few have seen, I never saw before and shall never see again. I saw, yes I beheld with my own eyes five Brothers and four Sisters their Husbands their Wives, Nephews Nieces Friends and Companions of my youth grouped together to take the parting hand with one whose face they had but the slightest expectation of seeing again till the wheels of time cease to move.

The parting hand was extended it was grasped tear after tear in quick succession droped from the affected eye and was quickly followed by streams flowing down the sorrowful