Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/327

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days.* 13 I mail this in haste, hoping to be able to write again before the mail is made up a this place. We had a S. school celebration in this place on the Fourth. I was called upon to deliver the address. The whole business of the day passed off in order and on the whole a new import to the S. S. cause was given. All our schools have increased since that day ours has almost doubled. My school large. Gold on the Umpqua and Rogue rivers not found sufficiently plentiful to justify digging while the mines are more rich elsewhere. Nothing certain as to the quantity of gold up the Columbia. I shall send an order for clothing and groceries this mail if possible. Yours truly,

EZRA FISHER. Received Sept. 6, 1850.

Oregon City, Oregon Ter., June 17, 1850. Rev. Benjamin M. Hill,

Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Dear Brother:

Herein I send you a bill for goods which I wish you to fill and forward to me by the first good opportunity you have to ship direct to Oregon. I hope you will not ship to California, as it costs as much to ship from California to Oregon as it does from N. Y. to Oregon. 1 book case and table for writing made so that the book case can stand on the table, cherry, 1 barrel of best brown sugar, 1 ten pound box of green tea, 30 or 35 yds. of carpeting, not exceeding $1.25 per yd., 1 box sperm candles, 1 pair heavy calfskin boots, No. 11s, 4 pairs of men's good calfskin shoes, No. 10, 4 do. half No. 8's and half No. 9's ; 2 pairs thick shoes, 8's and 9's ; 4 pairs ladies' gaiters, Nos. 4 and 4^ each; 1 pair do., No. 3; 4 pairs of ladies' shoes, calf, 4 and 4^; 2 do. Morocco, 4 and 4^; 2 pairs ladies' shoes, calf, No. 3 ; 2 pairs do. girls' Nos. 12 and 13 ;

213 In June, 1850, the steamer Carolina (Captain R. L. Whiting) made her first run to Portland from San Francisco with mails and passengers. In August she was withdrawn and put on the run between San Francisco and Panama. Ban- croft. Hist, of Ore. II: 188.