Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/442

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and Testaments gratuitously, or at very low price, till the country has become tolerably supplied. But our coming pop- ulation will create a large demand for more next year.

We are truly gratified to learn that interests in Oregon are beginning to receive a share in the sympathies of our trans-mountain brethren. My personal thanks to Dr. Pike for the part of the philosophical apparatus which he so gener- ously donated for the institution. In due time, on the recep- tion of the gift, he will receive an expression from the Board.

I received the boxes you shipped on board the Grecian. I have received the bill of lading for the goods you shipped me on board the bark Francis and Louisa; also the bills of lad- ing of the goods shipped for Br. Chandler on board the Gold- en Age.

Affectionately yours,

EZRA FISHER. Received June 3, 1851.

Oregon City, Oregon Ter., July 1, 1851. To Rev. Benjamin M. Hill,

Cor. Sec. of Am. Bap. Home Mission Soc. :

Herein I send my report of labor under the appointment of the Home Mission Society for the first quarter ending July 1, 1851. My field comprises the church at Oregon City, the community at Linn City, Milwaukie and vicinity and Port- land. At the last three named places we have as yet no church.

I have labored 13 weeks in the quarter, preached 21 ser- mons, delivered no lectures on moral and benevolent subjects, attended three church meetings and two prayer meetings, vis- ited religiously twenty families and individuals, no common schools, baptized none, obtained no signatures to the temper- ance pledge, have assisted at the organization of no church, no ordination, have traveled to and from my appointments 126 miles, received none by letter, none by experience and none to my knowledge has been hopefully converted. No