Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/463

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for manufacturing purposes. I cannot tell what they will do until after the next church meeting. Probably about $50 for one-eighth of the time. I have not visited Marysville church. It is just constituted by the labors of Elder R. C. Hill and consists of about 16 members. The Lord has vis- ited that region with a pleasing revival the past winter and Elder Hill, in behalf of that church, solicits my labors part of the time, with the assurance that they will aid in my sup- port. The point is at the head of navigation and the seat of justice for Benton County, 263 and probably it will become the most important place above Salem, if not above Oregon City. Providence has signally opened the door to the Bap- tists in this place and it seems to me that it should be oc- cupied immediately. I will append the concurrent certificate.


The Lebanon Baptist church concur in all the terms of the foregoing application. By order of the church.


Church Clerk.

This is to certify that I approve of the above application.


N. B. Elder Johnson is absent, but he assured me he would recommend this course of labor to me.

N. B. I cannot visit Marysville church till the first Sab. in May. I have asked for an appointment of the above kind from the conviction of all with whom I have conversed that the churches already gathered should be attended at least once a month, in preference to exploring ground, no more important, which we cannot occupy. Should you be disposed to appoint me exploring agent, with the above named lib- erty, I will serve you under that name and in that capacity as far as practicable. As to the salary, your wisdom will de- cide what is necessary when I say that common laborers

263 Benton County was organized in 1847, and was named after Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri. Bancroft, Hist. O f Ore., II 1706.