Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 18.djvu/209

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Hall Jackson Kelley 181

P. P. F. Degrand, well known for his public activities, partic- ularly in connection with the movement for a transcontinental railroad ; and David F. Green, secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.*^

A similar memorial was presented the following year, 1849, through Senator John Davis of Massachusetts, "praying to be allowed a grant of land in the Territory of Oregon, in con- sideration of his services and sacrifices in aiding in the explora- tion and settlement of that country." This also was referred to the committee on public lands.^ The report of this ccwn- mittee, as submitted on February S, 1850 by Alpheus Felch of Michigan, was as follows:

"The petitioner asks a grant of land from the government, in consideration of his services and sacrifices in the exploration of the Oregon Territory. That Mr. Kelley is one among the many enterprising citizens who, within the last thirty years, have directed their attention to the exploration and efforts to settle our possessions on the Pacific, and has, in common with others, suffered loss from the failure of his efforts, the com- mittee have no doubt. They are, however, of opinion, from an examination of the whole case, that the prayer of the peti- tioner cannot, under just and safe principles, be granted. The case does not, in their opinion, present those distinctive features which ought to single it out from others, and make it the subject of special legislative action.

"They therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution :

"Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioner be not granted."^^

With the adoption of this report by the senate on February 21, Kelley's claim was formally disallowed." It would seem

II This memorial in abridged form appears in the Hist, of the Settlement of Oregon, 91 -a. The testimonials were also reprinted in that pamphlet.

13 31 cong. I sess. S. jour., 38, 51; Cong. Globe, XXI. 92. 99; This memorialj most of it from th« forms used in printing that of 1848, was reprinted in the Hut. of the Colonisation of Oregon, 1-8 [9-16], 17-18.

13 31 cong. 1 sess. S. rep. 42; S. jour., i3i; Cong. Globe^ XXI. 292-3. It is perhaps significant that only one of the members of this committee was from New England.

14 31 cong. I sess. S. rep. 42; S. jour., 172-3; Cong. Globe, XXI, pt. I, 4".