Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 18.djvu/306

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Harvey W. Scott

mated conservatively at 200,000. It would be more if activity in railroad construction should be renewed within a year. Settlers will not go into isolated parts without the railroad or prospect of it. Our coast counties, which have resources for support of halt a million people, are yet almost unoccupied; and, though Eastern Oregon contains much land yet classed as desert, great tracts will surely be reclaimed, as soon as possibility of transportation shall make k worth while to do it. Formerly, development preceded the railroad. But that day is past Few now will live in places remote from the movements of life and business.

The timber of Oregon is still almost untouched, and, within a few years, will become the basis of an immense activity; while a large part of the timber of Washington is gone already. Oregon, therefore, has an industry coming which in Washington within a few 3rears will be practically exhausted. There is a probability that, within a period not exceeding twenty-five years, the population of Oregon may again exceed that of Washington, since relatively in this state so little has been done upon the resources which nature has offered to industry and enterprise.