Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 18.djvu/336

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300 News and Comment

the general plan of highway betterment in this state and desig- nated "Old Oregon Trail" by the Oregon Highway CcHnmis- sion. From the confluence of Umatilla River with the Colum- bia, the highway will pass through Hermiston, Stanfield, Echo, Pendleton, Meacham, Kamela, Hilgard and La Grande. The older trail via Milton, Elgin and La Grande is listed for con- sideration as a forest road by the highway. commissiwi.

Officers of the Oregon Historical Society.

Ten years as president of the Oregon Historical Society, and beginning his eleventh, Mr. Frederick V. Holman has served longer than any of his predecessors. Harvey W. Scott was the first president, 1898-1901. Charles B. Bellinger was head of the society, 1901-05; William D. Fenton, 1905-07. Mr. Holman followed in 1907 and has held the post continu- ously since. His latest term began at the annual meeting of the society, held at Portland in the new city Auditorium, October 27 last. Leslie M. Scott was re-elected vice-president ; F. G. Yotmg, secretary ; George H. Himes, assistant secretary and curator; Charles H. Carey and S. B. Huston, directors. Mr. Huston succeeded William D. Fenton. The society adopted resolutions of sympathy on account of the ill health of Mr. Fenton.

New Quarters of the Society.

The society, at last, is housed in a fireproof building — the Auditorium of the City of Portland. Rooms have been per- manently assigned for the society's uses by Mayor George L. Baker and members of the city commission. Authority comes from the electors of the city by popular vote. The floor space awarded is some 8000 square feet, on the south side of the Auditorium. The main rooms are. on the second floor. Re- moval from the old quarters in Second Street, south of Taylor, was effected in October, directed by Mr. George H. Himes. The Legislature appropriated funds for removal last Winter. Other funds from the Legislature will be expended for new furniture^ chiefly filing cabinets. The new establishment