Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 18.djvu/338

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309 iijm.9 4m OmuMiit

Tbe Oregop Pion^r Associatipp recoi-ded 368 (kaths of pio- neers in the Northwest betwc^en June 1, 1916, an4 May 31, 1917, of yfhom 300 bad never eproUed in the association. This necrology is printed annually in the association Transactions* That of the Oregc^n Historical Society may be noted as fol- lows for the year 1917 :

Anderson, Thomas M. — Bngadier-geneir^l U. S. A.; died May 8, 1917 ; served in civil war and Philippine war.

Breyman, Werner — Died November 20, 1916 ; pioneer mer- chant of Salem; came to Oregon, 185Q.

Brents, Thomas H.— Died October 23, 1916; delegate to Congress fxqm Washington Tierrjtory ; came to Oregon, 1852.

Butterfield, Horace S. — ^Died April 4, 1917 ; merchant jew- eler of Portland; invoitor of the Butterfield azimuth chro- nometer, used in navigation.

Cardwell, Dr. James R. — ^Died November 5, 1916; pioneer dentist of Portland; came to Oregon, 1852.

Craig, David Watson — Dutd December 17, 1916; pioneer journalist; came to Oregon^ 1853.

De Hart, Edward J. — ^Died November 18, 1916; pioneer hardware merchant of Portland ; came to Oregon, 1855.

Heilner, Sigmund A. — ^Died September 17, 1917; |Moneer merchant of Baker City; came to Oregon, 1852.

Isaacs, Mrs. Lucia Fulton — Died November 20, 1916; daughter of James Fulton, pioneer of Wasco County; came to Oregon, 1847.

Jackson, James — ^Brigadier-general U. S. A. ; died October 21, 1916; distinguished in Modoc Indian war, 1873.

Keady, William P.— Died September 16, 1917; formerly State Printer of Oregon ; frequent member of the Oregon Ltg- islature.

Lane, Harry— Died May 23, 1917; United States Senator from Oregon; bom in €>r^;oa, 1855.

Luckey, Mrs. Eunice Waters Robins — Died January 21, 1917; worker in early Indian schools.

Packwood, WiUiam H.— Died September 21, 1917; last sur-