Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 18.djvu/345

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issue of the Michigan Historical Magazine, dated July, 1917, includes extensive reports on the organization and activities of county and other local historical societies, and on the his- torical work of local chapters of the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution.

In line with this general campaign to make available the materials relating to Michigan history, the historical commis- sion has nearly completed a bibliography of the printed mate- rials. This was accomplished in co-operation with the local libraries in the state and with the Library of Congress. This bibliography, with the index planned for it, will enable the user to find readily all material relating to any event in the life of the state. The entries will show in what libraries the specific items may be consulted.

The first publication of the University series of the commis- sion's publications is Economic and Social History of Michi- gan. It is a careful study of settlement of the lower peninsula during the territorial period, 1806-1837.

The Indiana Centennial of Statehood— To promote the proper observance of the centennial of Indiana's admission to the Union the Indiana Historical Commission was created in 1915. The formal celebration took place at Indianapolis on December 11, 1916. The centennial address was delivered by James A. Woodbum of the department of history of the State University, on the theme, "The Foundation of the Com- monwealth." A centennial ode was read by William D. Foulke. The permanent tangible results of the commission's work are appearing in a series of bulletins and in a series of volumes containing documentary material relating to different phases of the state's history. These include one on Indiana as Seen by Early Travelers, a collection of reprints from books of travel, letters and diaries, prior to 1830. Two of these volumes constitute a set on Constitution Making on Indiana, a source book of constitutional documents with historical introduction and critical notes. The material centers about the two constitutions under which Indiana has been governed in the course