Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/229

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Babtisto wages 42 days 32 34

To his Board seven weeks 1400

Stephens 14 Days work $20 10 77

14 Days Board 4 50

[Page 14 "Day Book"]

To 30 Bundles of oats By Bileek [Beleque]

30 do of parue [?]

76 do from Smith 9J Bushels

To Smiths work 23 days $1 23 00

To work do 10 days $1 10 00

To Board 5 weeks 3 days 10 75

To paid Indian 3 yards of Calico for Diging [sic] Bank 30 90 To paid Sam 1 Blanket 2 $2 00

By error In Bt acount 4 00

[Page 15 "Day Book"]

[An account was entered and the same was again charged on

page 22 so it was omitted here] [The following account was crossed out] Henry Wood

To Difference In swap of Horses $10 / June, 12th 1839 10

Nov 2nd 1839 E Burress [Burroughs] Cr

By Cash 20 20

By pantaloons 2

Pig 2 50


[The above account is inserted near bottom of page. It seems to be duplicated at bottom of opposite page]

[Page 16 "Day Book"] June 1st 1839

Edward Burress Dr

To 181 feet of Inch plank at 13 dollars pr Thousd 2 35 21 To 288 feet of Scantling at 1,50 pr Hundred 4 32