Paid Mr Cannon forty one dollars $41 00
august To 1 Hog 6 00
4700 Furnished one Mill Saw
The first Cost fourteen dollars $14 00
Boarded Wood Turner Brandewine during the Time they
worked on Mill Also Campbell & John while Hubbard was Concerned in the
Mill E Young
July 1st Paid John Turner for Sawing five dollars &50 $5.50 The Total amount of Board forty tree [sic] Dollars 50
cents $43 50
the above account Settled
[New page] Sept 5th 1838
Solomon Smith Cr
By Beaver forty three dollars $43 00
Cents 29 By Beaver and otter $20 50 20 50
Solomon Smith Dr
October 6th To Order at Fort Vancouver 24 50
To 1 Blanket $2 20 2 20
To Cash Paid Hathaway $12 00
[New page]
June 18th 1838
Brought from Memorandum Book March 1838 Felix Hathaway To E Young Dr
To four Hogs 5 each $20 00
To five Bushels of wheat
By Johnson 50 25 [sic] 02 50
To one order Paid John Edmunds on Ft Vancouver