Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/264

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252 F. G. YOUNG

having a note or any other article to Show for the Said mules and I not being otherwise to give an article to that effect delivered the Said mules to the Said Gay

S SmITH 40

4 March Winslow Anderson Dr to E. Y. Estate

Thursd. To 5 Ib Tobacco 40.c 2.00

4 March Paid Indian Sam for E Youngs one new white Shirt for bringing the Cleckerlatt [?] [Clecker tall Possibly?] Hors[e] Strayed

5 March. Delivered Mr. Newel, per order of Mr. Leslie one tame Cow to be charged to E. Y. Estate as pay-ment for two old horses that Said Young Perchased of the Said Newel.

5 March. Mr. Lieusee [Lucier] Cr. by five Bush of Oats to Sam per E. Y. Estate 3.00

[Dollar sign cancel]

March. Bill of Goods Reed, from Fort Vancouver for E Young Estate by Wm Johnson

1 Com. Capeau 18 s 6d ea 3.73^

2 pr. Com. Cloth pants 11s 2d ea 4.434 1. 3 point Blanket. 11s 6d 2.30

Amount Carried over $10.46$

[New page]

Amount Brot. forward $10.46f

1. Do 3| point. 13s. 6d 2.70

6. pipes, 6d " .10

12 Ib. Coco. 9d 1.80

1 Tin Kittle 5s. 9d 1.15

20 Ib. Sugar 8d 2.70

40 Sidney Smith when signing his name regularly wrote from right to left. As invariably he capitalized the first three letters of his name beginning at that end. His surname thus stood: "SmITH." He seemed to think that if the left hand end was entitled to two capitals the right hand end should have three.