Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/275

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1st of August [Sept?] Anderson & S. Smith quit Work for the Estate of E Youngs Des

S Smith Dr to E Young Estate [No To two White com. Shirts at appraisal [ ?]

date] [Dollar mark cancel]

Sept 16th Winslow Anderson Dr to E Young Estate To 1 Washbole 1.00

To 1 Grindstone [No cost given]

Sept 23d Mr. Frost Dr to E. Young Estate To 1 Keg powder. 25 Ib .30c 7.50

Keg 25c " 25

To 45 Ib. Lead lOc 4.50

[In different ink: "Lead settled for"]

27th Sept. Winslow Anderson Dr to E Y. Est

To 3 Ib powder 30c .90

27th Sept S. Smith Dr. to E Y Estate

To 3 Ib powder 30c "90

To 74 Ib Lead lOc 75

[Dollar mark cancel]

27th Sept. Winslow Anderson Dr to E Y. Est To 6 3/4 Ib Lead lOc " 67

28th Sept S Smith Dr to E Young Estate

To 1 otter $2.00 2.00

To 1 Raisor Strop .25

[Dollar mark cancel]

Feb 12 John Edmonds Cr by one days work after Cattle 2.00