Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/306

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L s d

1841 also a Small Beaver price 056

March 23 to hauling Load wheat to mill 5 00

May 8 to 10 Bui wheat at 5 shillings Stirling 2 10 00

to Delivering at mill 5 shilling Do 5 00

Mr Ewing Young Dr in a/c with Joel Walker 1840

Sept to 18 days services of Myself at $1.00 18,,00

to 10 days Do of son John

withmymuls at $1.00 10"00

Do to 9 days at 75 cts 6,,,75

to 2 pishamovs [?] & Beaverskin at $1,00 3,,00

1841 May to 4 days assisting to Collect Cattle

for sale $2.00 8,,00

45,75 Cr By Beefhides $2.00 2 00

43 75 Reed pay Henry Wood pr Joel Walker

Ewing Young to Joseph Gervais Dr

To 1 Mill Chain (del S Smith) $14.50

Willamet Settlement Sept 1840

Mr Young had in his hands at his death Sixteen and one half Bushels of Salt belonging to me Joseph Gervais

Wallamette Oct 1/40 Messrs Smith & Anderson Please deliver to

Geo H. Ebberts twenty bushels white wheat and place to my acct