Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/312

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" in exchange of orders with O'Neil 3.20 By 13 bus. wheat deld by Billique

on a/c of estate 7.80

To Articles bot at sale in Sept

1841 as per bill 5.98

By 12 bus. flour deld to Mr Young

by Mr. Canning in 1839 @

$1,00 12.00

Paid expenses in settling accts

at Vancouver 13.00

To amt received of J. L. Whitcomb

on a/c of Sunds bot at sale 67.00 " Balance of a/c due from J. L.

Whitcomb 3.50

To the Estate $163.38 $164.35

Balance Dr 97

Amounts paid out by D Leslie for the Estate of Ewing Young deceased.

Paid to T J Hubbard amt due from Estate $28 78

1 Wm Canning as pr recpt 7 63J

Aug. 16 1841 Paid to Geo Le Breton (for service)

amt due him as pr receipt 8 00

July 1840 Paid to Martha Young as pr recpt 2 00

Sept 1840 Paid to Joel Walker do 43 75

March 1842 Paid to F. Hathaway do in full 11000

Oct 1841 Paid to S. H. Smith Do Do 730

May 27 1841 Paid to J. L. Meek for services Do 6 00

May 27 1841 Paid to Wm Craig Do Do 8 00

Paid to Baptiste Molaire services as pr rect 7 00 Aug 1841 Paid to John Kernan for powder as per rect 2 00 Sept 1841 Paid to Jos Gervais as pr a/c 14 00

Sept 1841 Paid to Sidney Smith for damage done by

Cattle 1200