Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/314

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D. Leslie Ad

(A statement of account with Fort Vancouver) Ewing Young Dr

To Fort Vancouver Sale Shop for the fol- lowing vitz 1839 Nov 28 pr E Lucier & Joe Gale, H Wood. J Gervais

L s d

Cr 91 11 2

to Novr 30 1840 Dr 248 8 1

L s d 156 16 11 11 19

144 17 11

Estate of Ewing Yound Deed

To L. H. Judson Dr.

To one days attendance at sale and travelling fees $4.50

To assisting in taking minutes of testimony in case of

of Jose Rownaldo Young .50

$5.00 Cr by on small iron bar purchased at the day of sale 1.00

Ballance due L H Judson 4.00

Received payment

L. H. Judson

[No date but purchase of "iron bar" reveals date as that of June 13, 1843.]

Reed of James Oneal forty four Dollars in an order on the Mission given by Dr White to apply on a note given in favour of E Youngs Est I L Babcock

Willamette Feby [July?] 22 1843

also an order given by Mr Gray of forty two Dollars and fifty cts ILB