Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/321

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310 F. G. YOUNG

$3906.74 appropriated to the Admr own use 50.00

$3956.74 Said Estat indebted to Geo. Abernathy 93.00


The original deducted 3734.26

Overruns $129.48

["Communication from A. L. Lovejoy Administrator Ewing. Youngs Estate, refered to B. Lee

H. Straight J. N. Garrison


Laid upon the table 6th Deer"] [The above is the endorsement on the back of the following

document] To the Hon

The Legislative Committee of the Territory of Oregon

The administrator on the Estate of Ewing Young late of Yamhill, deceased : appointed under an act of your body in A. D. 1844 entitled an Act "to build and erect a public Jail and close up said estate as soon as the circumstances would admit would respectfully represent

That there has been collected on the said Estate some nearly $2.500 which has been paid into the Treasury as directed under said act

The administrator would most respectfully ask to be dis- charged from further duties and services under said act And suggest to your Hon. Body the propriety of appointing a com- mittee to settle with him and report to the House the doings and transaction of the said administrator and to take into consideration the propriety of handing over the residue of