Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/323

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312 F. G. YOUNG


Jail Built With Proceeds of Ewing Young Estate Site


Oregon City 20th Dec 1844 To Mess A L Lovejoy

M Gilmore Esqres R Newell


I beg to Acknowledge the Receipt

of yours of this Date and I have great pleasure in Acceeding to your Request and give all that point laying between fourth and fifth Cross street between Water Street and the River for the purpose you Request reserving all Rights to former and to Rtevert to me when not used as a Goal I am

Gentlemen your Obedient humble Servant

Jno McLoughlin

P. S. in the mean [time] will you please select a suitable place [plan], for a place more suitted hereafter for a Goal so I may make it over to you JML

[Receipts given by Contractor constructing jail out of pro- ceeds of estate of Ewing Young]

Received this day of O Russell & P G Stewart Executive Com- mittee of Oreon an order on the Treasurer of Oregon for two hundred & Ninety one dollars 66 2/3 cts payable at the store of John McLoughlin in Oregon City it being the full amount of the first instalment as per contract for services rendered in con- structing a publick jail

In acknowledgement whereof I have hereunto set my signa- ture in Oregon City this eighth day of March A. D.

1845 P W Dawson Contractor