Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/326

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Your Petitioners believe that have reason to fear that this Gov.t will become too much involved by using the Estate of Ewing Young decd. to some extent in the use of the principle of said Estate.

We are unaware at what moment a demand may be made upon this Gov.t for said Estate. If at an early day (as is very likely) we are certain, that in our present condition we shall be entirely unable to meet such demand. We have no doubt but that these demands when paid must be discharged in specie sufficient quantity of which is not in the country. A sacrifise of our property must ensue. We therefore petition your hon- orable body to repeal that Act allowing this Gov.t to make use of this Estate. And as in duty bound your Petitioners will ever It has already been involved а pray

June 27th 1845 Petitioners Names Petitioners Names Philip Foster Saml McSween A. L. Lovejoy Collector Benjamin Nichols B. F. Nichols Wm C Remick Crary Wm P. Dougherty R R Mcmahan Nathan P Mack Nathan Smith David Arthur Wm Holmes W H Vaughan Henry Evans M. R. Alderman George P. Beale USB Johnson А. L. McKay John P. Brooks Jno F. Couch Wm C. Dement Wm Arthur Joseph M. Wyatt Hugh Burns М. К. Рerrin James B. Stephens Robt Moore Lon Climon Patrick Cormor Campbell Stewart George Heman Noyes Smith Theo Magruder P Armstrong JW Nesmith