Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/56

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war and rumours of war will crowd out any valuable action on the subject. But I hear that the special messenger to the States is to start shortly and with assurances of love and Christian affection,

I am yours as ever

Wm Roberts. Rev. D. P. Kidder

Oregon City 25 Deer 1847 Dear Bro.

I hereby advise you of a Draft I have made or rather of two drafts I have drawn on you. One for $100. the other for $400. in favour of Jos. L. Meek the Messenger to the United States from the provisional Government of Oregon. To Rev G. Lane ) I am

Treasurer of the Mis. Socy) Yours truly

of the M. E. Church ) Wm Roberts

Oregon City 25 Deer 1847 To Rev G. Lane &C Dear Bro Lane

I hereby advise you that I have this day drawn on you for $500. in favour of A. L. Lovejoy, H. Burns and Wm. H. Wilson, Commissioners of Oregon territory at ten days sight. I am

Yours truly

Wm. Roberts.

Oregon City Friday Deer 24th 1847 Rev. Dr. Pitman &C Dear Bro.

And yet the Messenger delays: the difficulty of raiseing the means, the necessary delay in preparing the memorial to congress, and the intense desire to hear from the upper country together with the necessary preparations for crossing the Shasta mountain between here and California in this winter season, will not allow him to start before next week. I therefore commence another sheet, which I purpose to fill with such events as may transpire in the interval. In the meantime the present weeks paper will be out containing the Governor's message and some of the proceedings of the Leg-