Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/113

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would be of great Utility, in as much as it would for the future, put an End to Repeated, Hazardous and Expensive attempts for the Discovery by Sea. Oh the other hand, if there be, as (he repeats it) he is confident there is, such a passage in the Latitude of 50 Degrees North, where it communicates with the pacific, but much further where it joins the Atlantic or Northern Ocean, it may and indeed must prove of inexpressible Benefit to this Nation by Establishing a Communication with Japan, and perhaps with nearer and hitherto unknown Rich Counties in the East, where both British and American Com- modities might fetch large prices, and a New and Valuable Commerce be Opened and Secured to His Majesty's Subjects, which has been long wished for, and often attempted, but has never hitherto been Effected.

Major Rogers has Spent many years in the Service of his King and Country, in which he has been Exposed to the greatest Fatigue, and to a continual Series of Dangers, received several Wounds, been exposed to the worst Consequences of Expensive Law Suits, merely on Account of the Service, by which he has been reduced, and indeed Ruined in his private Fortune, without any other Reward than the Slender Sub- sistance arising from a Captains Half pay though he has a Commission, and is Intitled to the Rank of Major from April 1758.

He therefore humbly presumes, if his past Services are con- sidered, the Hardships he has endured, his present Situation : his Expensive Voyage from America hither in order to obtain Redress & the proposals he now makes for Entring into a fresh (course?) [nearly worn away] of Difficulties and Fatigues for the purpose of rendring fresh Services to the Crown & Kingdom, his proposal will be candidly Examined; And upon such Examination, he doubts not to produce such Authentic Vouchers as may Entitle him to His Majesty's pro- tection, and the Favour of the present Administration.