Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/124

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I trust some Degree of merit in me, and the Royal Goodness so Frequently Distinguished in instances of the like Kind, Gives me Hope, That my services in the Army, Together with my more Recent Travels into the interiour Countrys of America, Newly Subjected to Your Majesty, and taking Plans and Journals of the same, may in some Measure plead in favour of this importunity, That a Proposed Publication of my Plans and Journals During their Novelty, did so far attract the attention of the Public, That Numerous Subscriptions were Opened for that Purpose, Rather Promising great advantages to the Author, But as I Humbly Conceived it my Duty first to make a Tender of my services to my Most Gracious Sovereign, Esteeming it my Greatest Happiness to be His Servant, And to be intitled to Your Royal Bounty, as by order of Your Majesty in Council Dated at St. James' 29th of November 1769, When my Plans and Journals (acquired by Hardships and Dangers of every Kind, and that only, with the utmost Resolution and Perseverence) were ordered to be Deposited in the office of the Right Honorable Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, That by advice of my Friends, in Particular Sr. John Pringle Bart, I have made Application to The Right Honorable The Earl of Dartmouth for leave to pursue my Discoveries, or that I might be appointed as Super- intendent among those Remote Nations of Indians which ap- peared to me, That the interest of the Public Stood in Need of ; That I most Humbly Beg leave to add that the utmost of my wishes do not Exceed the smallest allowance, or Some Temporary Relief until I can, Or may be, Honoured with some Employment in Your Majesty's Service, which I should Esteem, the greatest Happiness all which I most Humbly Submit, To My most Gracious and Most Mercifull Sovereign Lord The King, who I wish may Live for ever Which is, and Shall be Ever, the Constant Prayer of the Most Loyal and Faithfull Subject,