Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/313

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it, for two or three times a week a boat was down at the Village, 105 generally with an Officer and four Sailors, but I suppose he very prudently thought, that shou'd he cut a boat's Crew off, there was still enough left, for to destroy his Villages. The Chiefs had been telling us for some time that they was going to war with a distant tribe and wish'd for us to lend them Musketts and Ammunition, which some of these fellows used as well as ourselves. We had observed of late that they did not seem so cheerful as common, but seem'd to be deeply wrapt in thought. After this, no more of the Natives visited Adventure Cove, except some old women and young girls, who brought us berries and fish and most propable they was sent as spies. 106

March 4. This day the Ship was completely rig'd, hold stowed, and in every respect in readiness for sea. She look'd like a fiddle! The King's Mother came along side and brought some otter skins which we purchased. She told Captain Gray that the Moon inform'd her Son if he come to the Ship he wou'd be killd.

21. This day departed this life, after a lingering sickness, Benj. Harding 107 (Boatswain). He was a smart, active, and steady man, and one that know'd, and did his duty in every respect. Deposited his remains, next morning, near to the Block house, after performing divine service. Promoted a Seaman to his place.

22. Launch'd the Sloop Adventure. 10 * She went off ad-

105 At the very time of this attempt Hoskins was making a visit to the village Opitsitah. He found warlike preparations proceeding, ana was not allowed the same freedom of roaming in and out amongst the houses that he had theretofore enjoyed. When he returned the greatest consternation prevailed on the ship. The crew were much rejoiced at his safe return, telling him that they never expected to see him again. It was then he learned of the attempted capture of the Columbia.

1 06 Hoskins says that these people would not exchange their fish and leeks for anything but powder and shot, and in reply "Captain Gray ordered them to immediately depart with a promise of giving them a-plenty of both articles when we should come down to Opitsitah." This may perhaps be interpreted to mean that already Captain Gray had formed the intention of destroying the village.

tor "This man," says Hoskins, "was a good seaman and well respected in his office the spirits of this man was surprising the night we expected to be attacked by the natives at a time when he was not able to be removed from his bed he begged that be might have a pair of pistols laid along side of him that should the natives overpower us he might shoot the savage who came to take his life then says he I should die in peace."

1 08 Boit makes the date of this launching and March; but Hoskins and Haswell both say the ajrd February.