Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/335

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ing to windward, without a Stem. Found the Brig Venus here, but Capt. Magee had sail'd. 159 No canoes off.

20. Wind favorable, weather more settled. Weigh'd at Daylight, in company with the Venus, and stood to sea. Wind soon haul'd in its old quarter. Employ'd beating to windward towards Nootka Sound.

21. N. Latt. 49 17'; W. Long. 126 0' Wind still at WNW. and fair weather. Saw Breakers point 160 NW. 4 leagues, making short hanks.

22. Weather'd away Breakers point and stood towards Nootka Sound. Observ'd the Spanish Colours flying at the Entrance of Friendly Cove, but the tide swept us so strong towards some breakers on the East shore, and the wind being light oblidg'd us to Anchor in 16 fm. rocky bottom. Hoisted our Ensign in a Wiff and fired a Gun for assistance which was answered by the Spaniards. Soon after see several Boats rowing towards us. Quite calm.

23. The Boats got alongside. They was sent by the Spanish Admirall to our assistance (except one, from an English Store Ship, 161 under charge of Mr. Neal, the 1st Officer) . This Ship was sent out by the British Government, with Stores for Capt. Vancocn'er, who had not yet arriv'd at the Sound. The Spanish boats was under the charge of a Pilot, who had order to Get the Ship to the Cove, and lend every assistance.


24. N. Latt. 49 30' ; W. Long. 126 0' Light breeze from the South'd and East'd. Weigh'd and came to sail, under conduct of the Spanish Pilot, who well knew his business, and was perfectly acquainted with the soundings and tides. Upon passing the Spanish fort, 162 at the Entrance of the Cove, we

Martinez, who, in 1780. established the first Spanish settlement at Nootka and in the Mine year seized Meares' vessels.

161 The Daedalus of Vancouver's squadron, commanded by Captain New, whom Ingraham describes as "a very clever old gentleman."

162 On Hog Island; but not that which had been erected by Martinez in 1789. That fort had been dismantled when the settlement returned to Mexico in the fall of 1780. This was a new one erected on the same site by Elisa in 1700. It is described in the entry of the following day as a poor affair, barely sufficient to carry the weight of the guns.