Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/339

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Commander, from London, on a trading Voyage. BOUND TO CHARLOTTE ISLES

24. Weigh'd and came to sail, bound for Queen Charlotte Isles, Barrells sound, those Isles being the appointed rendez- vous, for to meet the Adventure, Capt. Haswell. It is but doing Justice to the Spaniards at Nootka sound to observe that during our tarry among them we was treated with the greatest hospitality, and in fact they seem'd to exert them- selves, and to feel interested in our behalf. May such fine fellows Never be in want of the like assistance shou'd they ever stand in need of it from the hands of any American. The Governor wou'd Not allow Capt. Gray for to pay one farthing.

25. N. Latt. 49 30'; W. Long. 126 30'. Nootka sound is as remarkable a place to know from seaward as any I know of. At most times latheo peak 174 (a mountain) in the form of a sugar loaf can be seen, and there is none other that at all resembles it, on this part of the Coast. A long low point, with high Breakers off it, makes the SE. part of the Bay. 175 The Western entrance of the sound runs down to a low point, with a small round Hill just back of Friendly cove.

28. N. Latt. 51 45'; W. Long. 130 30'. This day made the SE. part of the group of Charlotte Isles. A thick fog 176 came on, so that we cou'd not reach the sound. Employ 'd beating off and on, waiting for fair weather.

30. This day the weather clear'd and the Sloop Adventure hove in sight standing for Barcl. [Barrells?] sound. This is the second time we have met off the place of Rendezvous. Saluted each other with 7 Guns. Found Capt. Haswell and Crew all well, and had made a successful cruize. We stood

i74Conuma pak, a remarkable steeple-shaped mountain. 4,889 feet high, twenty miles from the entrance. It is a most conspicuous feature.

175 Kscalante point, low and rocky, marks the eastern entrance of Nootka Soun<i. The name is by association with Kscalante reef. It signifies in Spanish, climbing, or scaling.

176 All navigators, from the time of Juan Perez in 1774, complain of the thick fogs of Queen Charlotte Islands.