Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/344

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21. N. Latt. 28 10'; W. Long. 142 24'; Azi. 10 0' E. Crew all in health, and wind and weather propitious. Took NE. Trade winds this day.

26. N. Latt. 20 15' ; W. Long. 150 39' ; Azi. 6 7' ; Amp'd 6 38' E. Warm and pleasant, with a smooth sea.

28. N. Latt. 20 5'; W. Long. 154 52' * 1 Spoke the Brig Fens, Capt. Duffan, 192 bound to Canton. The first lieu- tenant 193 of the Discovery, Capt. Vancoover, was a passenger on board this Vessell, bound home, with dispatches for Govern- ment.


29. N. Latt. 20 14'; W. Long. 154 20'. Made the Isle of Owhyhee, 193 ^ one of the Sandwich Isles, where the famous Circumnavigator, Capt. James Cook was killed by the Natives. Standing towards the Isles, it having been seen at 15 leagues distant.

30. Hove to, for some Canoes, and purchased 11 Hogs from the Natives, and plenty of vegetables, such as Sweet Potatoes, Yams, tarro, etc. These Canoes was very neatly made, but quite narrow. The Outrigger kept them steady, or else, I think, they wou'd too easily upset in the Sea. The Men were fine stately looking fellows, and the Women quite handsome. They were all in a state of Nature, except a small covering round the middle. Not many of the Columbia's Crew prov'd to be Josepths. Run along very near the Isles, and hove to off Karakakoa Bay. Some double Canoes came alongside. These was suspended apart by large rafters, well supported. The Masts were rig'd between the canoes, and they carried their mat sails a long time, sailing very fast. The Shore was lined with people.

31. N. Latt. 20 14'; W. Long. 154 50'. Stood round the Island and haul'd into Toaj yah yah bay, 194 and hove to. Vast many canoes sailing in company with us. The shore made

192 The ostensible commander was a Portuguese, John de Barros Andrede, Duffin being but supercargo. Further investigation may show that, like Meares' vessels, she was merely masquerading under the Portuguese flag. The passenper referred to was Lieutenant Mudge of the Discovery, who was carrying to England an account of the abortive negotiations between Vancouver and Quadra. See Vancouver's Voyage, vol. 2, pp. 377-378, 8vo. ed. 1801.

103 Lieutenant Mudge? W. C. F.

193^ Hawaii. W. C. F.

J94 Kawaihae Bay? W. C. F.