Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/87

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Band of Chinooks an annuity of Two Thousand Dollars, for ten years in the manner following to wit: Four hundred dollars in money, Fifty Blankets, Thirty woollen Coats, Thirty pairs pants, Thirty vests, Fifty Shirts, Fifty pairs Shoes, one hundred and fifty yards Linsey Plain, Two hundred and fifty yards Calico, Two hundred and fifty yards Shirting, Twenty blanket Shawls, Three hundred pounds Soap, Three barrels Salt, Fifty bags Flour, Three hundred pounds Tobacco, Twenty Hoes, Ten Axes, Thirty Knives, Seventy Cotton Handker- chiefs, Two Barrels Molasses, Four hundred pounds Sugar, Thirty pounds Tea, Ten eight quart Brass Kettles, Fifteen ten-quart tin pails, Thirty pint cups, Thirty six-quart pans, Thirty Caps, one Keg Powder, All the above to be of good quality, and delivered at Tansey Point aforesaid. Article 4th.

There shall be perpetual peace and friendship, between all the citizens of the United States of America, and all the indi- viduals composing said Lower Band of Chinook Indians. Article 5th.

This agreement shall be binding and obligatory upon the contracting parties, as soon as the same shall be ratified and confirmed by the President and Senate of the United States.

In Testimony whereof, the said Anson Dart, Superintendent, Henry H. Spaulding Agent and Josia L. Parish Sub Agent aforesaid, and the said Chiefs and Headmen of the Lower Band of the Chinook tribe of Indians, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the time and place first herein above written.

Signed, Sealed and Witnessed Anson Dart (Seal)

in presense of Superintendent

N. DuBois, Secretary H. H. Spalding (Seal)

W. W. Raymond, Interpreter Agent

R. Shortess, Acting Sub Agent Josiah L. Parish (Seal)

L. H. Judson Sub Agent

his his

Cumcumley X (Seal) Tychah-win X (Seal)