Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/218

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conference of the M. E. Church in the United States or to the lawfully authorized agents of said conference first the Institute buildings & reserve of 60 acres which is forever to be used as an Institution of learning & religion under such laws and regulations as may be adopted by *said conference &c. Secondly to convey two thirds of said the remainder to said annual conference as aforesaid &c.

Several things here are safe the Establishment is to be an Institution of learning and Religion and it ought forever to be such this "Restriction" is unobjectionable and any one conversant with the Society will agree with me It is to be under the Control and direction of the M. E. Church. If the U. S. Govt. shall give a donation of 640 acres to individuals then he can get a title to be used as aforesaid. If it only confers a preemption right then some money must be expended. If we are authorized by the late act of Congress it ourselves with improvements then it is already ours and we will use it as seemith good in our sight. It is not desireable at present to raise the question of ownership publickly at all if it is ours silence will not invalidate our claim If it be not silence will not subject us to the weakness of claiming what does not belong to us. There is nothing further of importance that I can call to mind at this moment. If the Board deems it proper to purchase the premises it now may be clone, and a judicious arrangement entered into that will vitally affect our educational interests for years to come. If the Board will send out a teacher suitable for the work at the earliest moment, it will be a wise measure, but if not the responsibility must rest where it belongs. I have delivered my soul.

I am Dear Bro.

Yours truly W. R.

Salem Oregon Territory April 24th 1849 To the Cor. Secry fo the M. E. Church

Rev. Doct Pitman Dear Bro.

We are kindly permitted to record the goodness of God toward all the members of the Mission families another year There have been no deaths nor even serious cases of sickness but general good health comfortable religious enjoyment and unfeigned brotherly love have