Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/234

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Letter to Dr Babcock

San Francisco July 27, '49

Sent $1667.48 less $166.74 $1601.30 in a draft of July 28 '49 and request to be released draft charged to my a/c.

(Directed to Bath N. Y.)

San Francisco July 28th '49 To G. Lane

I send through S. & S. Halsted over $3,000. mint. I draw on you favor I. R. $1,000. I. L. Bab $1601.32 Some to E. S. I. Same to Lan & Seutt for periodicals.

Salem 0. T. Nov. 7th 1849 Rev G. Lane Dear Bro.

I hereby forward to you various items of business relating to our affairs in this country. I have drawn on you this day for $50.00 favor Mary Hauxhurst of Cold Spring L. Island which please honor and charge a/c of Oregon Mission.

This money is paid me for the benefit of this aged woman by her son an esteemed brother among us. He designs it for her personal benefit therefore if the draft is presented before you pay it ascertain that she is alive, in case of her death I am to refund the money. If she is living and receives this he wishes to send her $50 more shortly.

There is another case involving a little more trouble James White of Salem 0. T. wishes to send through you $100. to his mother Sarah White of Jackson Co. Indiana or if she is dead to Jos Henderson or Jas. Woodmansey Jr.

The nearest post office is he telles me Leasville Lawrence Co. He has pd me the money. I am responsible and am to refund it unless I can get anct. from one of the persons above named within 18 months.

Please send in a letter $100. to Sarah White or Jos H. or J. W. Jr Jackson Co la. and obtain a receipt for it which please forward to me and charge a/c of Oregon Mission. Send such funds as will pass current in Indiana.

W. R.

I send you to be audited and allowed a bill of $129.02^.