Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/287

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Sabbath 18th Oct. 1835.

The above mentioned family, consisting of Isabel, Joseph and Nicholas, children of the said Louis, Sookta, Cartoosh, Marlooah, Solomon and kalt, formerly slaves but free since they came here for slaves cannot be with us. "They pass our threshold and their shackels fall" Sookta and his little son about 3 years old are both un- well.

Monday 19th Oct. 26th Oct.

Began ploughing to sow fall wheat. P. L. Edward commenced school at Campment Du Sable. Tuesday 27th

John Mark left the mission by agreement he has been unwell of late and expressing a desire to visit his people, was permited, but on returning became unsteady & when told that he must either mind or leave the mis- sion he preferred the latter.

Monday 9th Nov.

Two Indian youths of the Chenook tribe came and requested admitance into the Mission family having been advised to this measure by Dr. McLoughlin and bringing his recommendation. They are brothers and have re- ceived from us the names of Wm. Brooks & Ozro Morrill. Saturday 14th Nov.

Finished sowing fall wheat in all 27 bushels 19 white & 8 of read.

Thursday 26th Nov.

Rev. Mr. Parker (a Presbyterian Clergyman from the State of New- York) visited us this day he has been sent out by the A. B. C. F. M. to explore the country, and ascertain the most eligible situation for a mission. We receive him with all joy as a servant of our common Lord & trust his coming will prove a refreshing season to our souls.

Friday, 27 Nov. 1835.

This morning at 25 minutes past Five o'clock A. M. the immortal part of Nicholas Shangarati took its flight