Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/92

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(In papers rel. to the suit Rogers vs. Gage). No. 4

Copy of Major Rogers'* Commission to Mr. Jonathan Carver Micha 12 August 1766

By Robert Rogers Esqr. Agent to the Western Indians and Governor Commandant of His Majesty's Garrison of Michi- limakinac and it's Dependances. To CAPTAIN JONATHAN CARVER, ESQR.

Whereas it will be to the Honour and Dignity of the Nation as well as for the good of His Majesty's Service to have some good Suravies of the Interior parts of North America Espeeseely to the West and North West of this Garrison

I do by Vartiue of the Authority given me apoint you for that purpose at eight Shillings Starling p Day until Discharged. And you are heareby direckd to set out from this Post Emme- diently and proceed along the North Side of Lake Missigan to the Bay, 1 and from thence to the falls of St. Antinoies on the Missipee, taking an exact Plans of the Countery by the way marking down all Indian Towns with their Numbers, as also to take Survaies of the different Posts Lakes and Rivers as also the Mountains.

And at the Falles of St. Antoines and about that as far as you can explore this Winter. And make your Reports to me early in the Spring. Should you receive Orders from me to March further to the Westward with any other Detachment that I may send this fall or winter you are to do it And send back your Journals by Mr. Browe (Bruce?) or some other safe hand but should you not receive any you are to return by the Ilun way 2 River And from thens to Saint Joseph And from thence along the East side of Lake Misigan to this place taking all the way exact Plans of the Country and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant. Given under my Hand at Michilimakinac ye 12th August 1766

ROBT. ROGERS. (Document Number Two)

P. R. O. Treasury Solicitor General series 4957 (In papers relative so the suit Rogers vs. Gage)


Copy of Major Rogers's Instructions and Orders to James Stanley Goddard, Micha 12 Septr. 1766.

i Green Bay, Wisconsin, a The Illinois river.